Annex I: Compendium of R scripts

This chapter compiles the complete list of R scripts involved in the process of soil sampling design.

Script 1: Introduction to R

# Introduction to R

# 0. Playground =================================================

# learn important keyboard shortcuts
# Ctrl + enter for running code
# tab after writing the first three 
# characters of the function name
# F1 to access the help

# explore the use of <-, $, [], ==, !=, c(), :, 
# data.frame(), list(), as.factor()

a <- 10:15
b <- c("1", "a", a )
df <- data.frame(column_a = 1:8, column_b = b)




d <- list(a, b, df)
names(d) <- c("numeric_vector", "character_vector", "dataframe")

a == b
a != b

# 1. Set working directory ======================================
# Set working directory to a specific location
# Set working directory to source file location

# 2. Install and load packages ==================================
# readxl, tidyverse, and data.table packages using the functions
# Install packages from other repository than CRAN

# 3. Import an spreadsheet ======================================
## 3.1 Read the MS Excel file -----------------------------------
#Read the soil_data.xlsx file, spreadsheet 2, using read_excel 
read_excel(path = "data/other/soil_data.xlsx", sheet = 2)

## 3.2 Read the csv file with the native function ---------------
# 01-Data/horizon.csv

## 3.3 Read the csv file with the tidyverse function ------------

## 3.4 Read the csv file with the data.table function -----------

## 3.5 Assign the dataframe to an object called dat -------------
dat <- read_csv("data/other/soil_profile_data.csv")

# 4. Tidyverse functions ========================================
## 4.1 Select pid, hip, top, bottom, ph_h2o, cec from dat -------
dat_1 <- dat %>% 
  select(id_prof, id_hor, top, bottom, ph_h2o, cec)

## 4.2 Filter: pick observations by their values ----------------
# filter observations with cec > 50 cmolc/100g

dat_2 <- dat_1 %>% 
  filter(cec > 30)

## 4.3 Mutate: create a new variable ----------------------------
# thickness = top - bottom

dat_3 <- dat_2 %>% 
  mutate(thickness = bottom - top)

## 4.4 Group_by and summarise -----------------------------------
# group by variable pid
# summarise taking the mean of pH and cec

dat_4 <- dat_3 %>% 
  group_by(id_prof) %>% 
  summarise(mean_ph = mean(ph_h2o),
            mean_cec = mean(cec))

## 4.5 Reshape the table using pivot_longer ---------------------
# use dat_3
# put the names of the variables ph_h2o, 
# cec and thickness in the column 
# variable and keep the rest of the table. Save in dat_5 

dat_5 <- dat_3 %>% 
  pivot_longer(ph_h2o:thickness, names_to = "soil_property",
               values_to = "value")

## 4.6 Join the table sites.csv with dat_3 ----------------------
# Load soil_phys_data030.csv (in 01-Data folder) 
# Join its columns with dat_3 keeping all the rows of dat_3
# save the result as dat_6

phys <- read_csv("data/other/soil_phys_data030_2.csv")

phys <- phys %>% rename(id_prof = "ProfID")

dat_6 <- dat_3 %>% 
# or
dat_6 <- phys %>% 

# 5. Data visualization with ggplot2 ============================
## 5.1 1D plot: histograms --------------------------------------
# histograms of cec and ph_h2o

ggplot(dat_3, aes(x=cec)) + geom_histogram()

## 5.2 2D plot: scatterplot -------------------------------------
# Scatterplot bottom vs. ph_h2o

ggplot(dat_3, aes(x = bottom, y = ph_h2o)) + 

# add a fitting line

ggplot(dat_3, aes(x = bottom, y = ph_h2o)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm" )

## 5.3 3D plot: scatterplot -------------------------------------
# Scatterplot bottom vs. ph_h2o, add clay as color 
# and size inside the 
# function aes()

       aes(x = bottom, y = ph_h2o, color = cec, size = cec)) + 

# 6. Geospatial data with terra =================================
## Load packages (install them if needed)
## 6.1 Load a raster and a vector layer -------------------------
# Load data/other/landcover2013.tif using rast() function, then plot it
# Load data/shapes/landcover.shp using vect() function and 
# plot it 
# explore the attributes of these layers

r <- rast("data/other/landcover2013.tif")

v <- vect("data/shapes/landcover.shp")

## 6.2 Load a raster and a vector layer -------------------------
# Check the current CRS (EPSG) of the raster and the vector. 
# Find a *projected* CRS in for Vietnam and 
# copy the number
# Check the Arguments of function project (?project) that need to
# be defined
# Save the new object as r_proj and v_proj
# plot both objects

r_proj <- project(x = r, y = "epsg:3405", method = "near",
                  res = 250)
v_proj <- project(x = v, y = "epsg:3405")
plot(v_proj, add = TRUE)

## 6.3 Cropping and masking a raster ----------------------------
# Compute the area of the polygons in v_proj 
# (search for a function) and
# assign the values to a new column named area
# select the largest polygon using [], $, == and max() func. 
# and save it as pol
# crop the raster with pol using the crop() function and save 
#it as r_pol
# mask the raster r_pol with the polygon pol and save it 
# with the same name
# plot each result

v_proj$area <- expanse(v_proj, unit = "ha")
pol <- v_proj[v_proj$area == max(v_proj$area)]
r_pol <- crop(r_proj, pol)
plot(pol, add = TRUE)
r_pol <- mask(r_pol, pol)

## 6.4 Replace values in a raster by filtering their cells ------
# Explore the following link to understand how terra 
#manage cell values
# Replace values lower than 5 in r+pol by 0

r_pol[r_pol$landcover2013 < 5] <- 0

## 6.5 Rasterize a vector layer ---------------------------------
# Use rasterize() function to convert v_proj to raster
# Use r_proj as reference raster
# Use field landcover to assign cell values, and plot the new map

v_class <- rasterize(x = v_proj, y = r_proj, field = "landcover" )
activeCat(v_class) <- 1

## 6.6 Extracting raster values using points --------------------
# Covert dat_6 to spatial points using vect() function 
# (check help of vect())
# Note that the EPSG number is 3405
# Save the points as s
# Plot s and r_proj together in the same map (Argument add=TRUE)
# Extract the values of the raster using extract() 
# function (check the help)
# Remove the ID column of the extracted values
# merge the extracted data with s using cbind() function
# Convert s as a dataframe

s <- vect(dat_6, geom=c("x", "y"), crs = "epsg:4326")
  #s <- project(x = s, y = "epsg:3405")
plot(s, add=TRUE)
x <- extract(r_proj,s, ID=FALSE)
s <- cbind(s,x)
d <-

## 6.7 Zonal statistics using polygons and rasters --------------
# Use the extract() func. to estimate the mean value of 
# distance_proj at each polygon
# Use the fun= argument (check the help)
# Use the cbind() func. to merge v_proj and the extracted values
# convert v_proj to a dataframe
# Create a ggplot boxplot (geom_boxplot) with x=landcover
# and y=dist2access 

distance <- rast("data/other/nghe_d2roads.tif")
distance_proj <- project(x = distance, y = "epsg:3405", method = "bilinear",
                  res = 250)
x <- extract(distance_proj, v_proj, fun = mean, ID=FALSE)
v_proj <- cbind(v_proj, x)

d <- as_tibble(v_proj)

d %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =landcover, y = dist2access, fill = landcover)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  ylab("Distance to roads")

## END

Script 2: Download environmental covariates

var assets = 

// Load borders 

/// Using UN 2020 (replace the countries to download)
/// var ISO = ['ITA'];
/// var aoi =
/// ee.FeatureCollection(
/// 'projects/digital-soil-mapping-gsp-fao/assets/UN_BORDERS/BNDA_CTY'
/// )
///   .filter(ee.Filter.inList('ISO3CD', ISO));
/// var region = aoi.geometry();

/// Using a shapefile
/// 1. Upload the borders of your countries as an asset
/// 2. Replace 'your_shapefile' with the path to your shapefile
var shapefile = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/digital-soil-mapping-gsp-fao/assets/Nghe_An');
var region = shapefile.geometry().bounds();

// Load assets as ImageCollection
var assetsCollection = ee.ImageCollection(assets);

// Clip each image in the collection to the region of interest
var clippedCollection ={
  return img.clip(region).toFloat();

// Function to replace masked values with zeroes for fpar bands
function replaceMaskedFpar(img) {
  var allBands = img.bandNames();
  var fparBands =
  allBands.filter(ee.Filter.stringStartsWith('item', 'fpar'));
  var nonFparBands = allBands.removeAll(fparBands);
  var fparImg =;
  var nonFparImg =;
  // If there are no fpar bands, return the original image
  var result = ee.Algorithms.If(fparBands.length().eq(0),
  return ee.Image(result);

// Clip each image in the collection to the region of 
//interest and replace masked values for fpar bands
var clippedCollection ={
  var clippedImg = img.clip(region).toFloat();
  return replaceMaskedFpar(clippedImg);

// Stack the layers and maintain the 
//layer names in the final file
var stacked = clippedCollection.toBands();

// Get the list of asset names
var assetNames = ee.List(assets).map(function(asset) {
  return ee.String(asset).split('/').get(-1);

// Rename the bands with asset names
var renamed = stacked.rename(assetNames);
print(renamed, 'Covariates to be exported')

// Visualize the result
// Set a visualization parameter 
// (you can adjust the colors as desired)
var visParams = {
  bands: 'bio1',
  min: 0,
  max: 1,
  palette: ['blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'red']

// Add the layer to the map
Map.centerObject(renamed, 6)
Map.addLayer(renamed, visParams, 'Covariates');
// Export the stacked image to Google Drive
  image: renamed,
  description: 'covariates',
  folder: 'GEE',
  scale: 250,
  maxPixels: 1e13,
  region: region

/* Create mask for croplands ----------------------------*/

// Load the Copernicus Global Land Service image collection
var imageCollection = 

var crs = 'EPSG:4326'; // WGS84
var res = 250; // Resolution in decimal degrees

// Default resampling is nearest neighbor
var image1 = imageCollection.resample()
    crs: crs, // Add your desired CRS here
    scale: res // Add your desired scale here

// Reclassify the land cover classes
var inList = [0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 
               111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 
              121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 200];
var outList = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

var FAO_lu = image1.remap(inList, outList)

// print(FAO_lu)

// Convert 0 to NA
var mask = FAO_lu.neq(0);
FAO_lu = FAO_lu.updateMask(mask);

print(FAO_lu, "Mask")

var visParams = {
  bands: 'remapped',
  min: 0,
  max: 1,
  palette: ['green', 'yellow']

// Add the layer to the map
Map.addLayer(FAO_lu,visParams ,'Mask');

// Export the land cover image as a raster to Google Drive
  image: FAO_lu,
  folder: 'GEE',
  description: 'mask',
  scale: res, // Add your desired scale here
  region: region,
  crs: crs, // Add your desired CRS here
  maxPixels: 1e13 // Add a maximum number of pixels 
  //for export if needed

Script 3: Evaluate Legacy Data

# Digital Soil Mapping
# Soil Sampling Design
# Evaluation of Legacy Data
# GSP-Secretariat
# Contact:


# Empty environment and cache 
  rm(list = ls())

# Content of this script ========================================

# Script for evaluation the degree of representativeness of a soil legacy dataset
# relative to the diversity of the environmental conditions described in a set 
# of raster covariates.
# 0 - Set working directory and load packages
# 1 - User-defined variables 
# 2 - Prepare data
# 3 - Extract environmental data from rasters at soil locations
# 4 - Compute variability matrix in covariates
# 5 - Calculate hypercube of "covariates" distribution (P)
# 6 - Calculate hypercube of "sample" distribution (Q)
# 7 - Calculate Representativeness of the Legacy Dataset

## 0 - Set working directory and load packages =================================


  # Set working directory to source file location
  setwd("../") # Move wd down to main folder

  # List of packages
  packages <- c("sp","terra","raster","sf","clhs", "sgsR","entropy", "tripack",
  # Load packages
  lapply(packages, require, character.only = TRUE)
  # Remove object to save memory space
## 1 - User-defined variables ==================================================
  # Path to rasters
  raster.path <- "data/rasters"
  # Path to shapes
  shp.path <- "data/shapes"
  # Path to results
  results.path <- "data/results/"
  # Path to additional data
  other.path <- "data/other/"
  # Aggregation factor for up-scaling raster covariates (optional)
  agg.factor = 10
## 2 - Prepare data ============================================================
  ## Load raster covariate data
  # Read Spatial data covariates as rasters with terra
  cov.dat <-  list.files(raster.path, pattern = "tif$",  recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  cov.dat <- terra::rast(cov.dat) # SpatRaster from terra
  # Aggregate stack to simplify data rasters for calculations 
  cov.dat <- aggregate(cov.dat, fact=agg.factor, fun="mean")
  # Load shape of district
  nghe <- sf::st_read(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/Nghe_An.shp")),quiet=TRUE)
  # Crop covariates on administrative boundary
  cov.dat <- crop(cov.dat, nghe, mask=TRUE)
  # Transform raster information with PCA
  pca <- raster_pca(cov.dat)
  # Get SpatRaster layers
  cov.dat <- pca$PCA
  # Create a raster stack to be used as input in the clhs::clhs function 
  cov.dat.ras <- raster::stack(cov.dat) 
  # Subset rasters
  cov.dat <- pca$PCA[[1:first(which(pca$summaryPCA[3,]>0.99))]]
  cov.dat.ras <-  cov.dat.ras[[1:first(which(pca$summaryPCA[3,]>0.99))]]

## 3 - Extract environmental data from rasters at soil locations ===============
  # Load legacy soil data
  p.dat <- terra::vect(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/legacy_soils.shp")))
  # Extract data
  p.dat_I <- terra::extract(cov.dat, p.dat)
  p.dat_I <- na.omit(p.dat_I) # Remove soil points outside study area
  p.dat_I.df <- p.dat_I[,-1]

## 4 - Compute variability matrix in the covariates ====================================
  # Define Number of bins
  nb <- 25
  # Quantile matrix of the covariate data
  q.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = (nb + 1), ncol = nlyr(cov.dat))
  j = 1
  for (i in 1:nlyr(cov.dat)) {
    ran1 <- minmax(cov.dat[[i]])[2] - minmax(cov.dat[[i]])[1]
    step1 <- ran1 / nb
    q.mat[, j] <-
          to = minmax(cov.dat[[i]])[2],
          by = step1)
    j <- j + 1

## 5 - Calculate hypercube of "covariates" distribution (P)  ===================  
  # Convert SpatRaster to dataframe for calculations
  cov.dat.df <- 
  cov.mat <- matrix(1, nrow = nb, ncol = ncol(q.mat)) <- as.matrix(cov.dat.df)
  for (i in 1:nrow( {
    for (j in 1:ncol( {
      dd <-[[i, j]]
      if (! {
        for (k in 1:nb) {
          kl <- q.mat[k, j]
          ku <- q.mat[k + 1, j]
          if (dd >= kl && dd <= ku) {
            cov.mat[k, j] <- cov.mat[k, j] + 1
## 6 - Calculate hypercube of "sample" distribution (Q) ========================  

  h.mat <- matrix(1, nrow = nb, ncol = ncol(q.mat))
  for (i in 1:nrow(p.dat_I.df)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(p.dat_I.df)) {
      dd <- p.dat_I.df[i, j]
      if (! {
        for (k in 1:nb) {
          kl <- q.mat[k, j]
          ku <- q.mat[k + 1, j]
          if (dd >= kl && dd <= ku) {
            h.mat[k, j] <- h.mat[k, j] + 1

## 7 - Calculate Representativeness of the Legacy Dataset ==================    

  ## Calculate the proportion of "variables" in the covariate spectra that fall within the convex hull of variables in the "environmental sample space"
  # Principal component of the legacy data sample
  pca.s = prcomp(p.dat_I[,2:(ncol(cov.dat.df)+1)],scale=TRUE, center=TRUE)
  scores_pca1 =$x)
  # Plot the first 2 principal components and convex hull <- tri.mesh(scores_pca1[,1],scores_pca1[,2],"remove") # Delaunay triangulation <- convex.hull(, # convex hull
  pr_poly = cbind(x=c($x),y=c($y)) # save the convex hull vertices
  plot(scores_pca1[,1], scores_pca1[,2], xlab="PCA 1", ylab="PCA 2", xlim=c(min(scores_pca1[,1:2]), max(scores_pca1[,1:2])),ylim=c(min(scores_pca1[,1:2]), max(scores_pca1[,1:2])), main='Convex hull of soil legacy data')
  lines(c($x,$x[1]), c($y,$y[1]),col="red",lwd=1) # draw the convex hull (domain of legacy data)
  # PCA projection of study area population onto the principal components
  PCA_projection <- predict(pca.s, cov.dat.df) # Project study area population onto sample PC
  newScores = cbind(x=PCA_projection[,1],y=PCA_projection[,2]) # PC scores of projected population
  # Plot the polygon and all points to be checked
  plot(newScores, xlab="PCA 1", ylab="PCA 2", xlim=c(min(newScores[,1:2]), max(newScores[,1:2])), ylim=c(min(newScores[,1:2]), max(newScores[,1:2])), col='black', main='Environmental space plots over the convex hull of soil legacy data')
  # Check which points fall within the polygon
  pip <-[,2], newScores[,1], pr_poly[,2],pr_poly[,1],mode.checked=FALSE)
  newScores <- data.frame(cbind(newScores, pip))
  # Plot points outside convex hull  
  points(newScores[which(newScores$pip==0),1:2],pch='X', col='red')
  #  Proportion of the conditions in the study area that fall within the convex hull of sample conditions
## END

Script 4: Calculate Minimum and Optimal Sample Sizes

# Digital Soil Mapping
# Soil Sampling Design
# Optimizing Sample Size
# GSP-Secretariat
# Contact:


#Empty environment and cache 
rm(list = ls())

# Content of this script ========================================
# The goal of this script is to determine the minimum sample size required to describe an area
# while retaining for a 95% of coincidence in the environmental variability of covariates
# in the area 
# 0 - Set working directory and load necessary packages
# 1 - User-defined variables 
# 2 - Import national data 
# 3 - Calculate the minimum sample size to describe the area
# 4 - Plot covariate diversity as PCA scores 
# 5 - KL divergence and % similarity results for growing N samples
# 6 - Model KL divergence
# 7 - Determine the minimum sample size for 95% coincidence
# 8 - Determine the optimal iteration according to the minimum N size 
# 9 - Plot minimum points from best iteration

## 0 - Set working directory and load necessary packages =======================

# Set working directory to source file location
setwd("../") # Move wd down to main folder

# List of packages
packages <- c("sp","terra","raster","sf","clhs",
              "sgsR","entropy", "tripack",

# Load packages
lapply(packages, require, character.only = TRUE) 
rm(packages) # Remove object to save memory space

## 1 - User-defined variables ==================================================
# Path to rasters
raster.path <- "data/rasters/"
# Path to shapes
shp.path <- "data/shapes/"
# Path to results
results.path <- "data/results/"
# Path to additional data
other.path <- "data/other/"
# Aggregation factor for up-scaling raster covariates (optional)
agg.factor = 10

# Define parameters to determine minimum sampling size
initial.n <- 60 # Initial sampling size to test
final.n <- 360 # Final sampling size to test
by.n <- 20 # Increment size
iters <- 5 # Number of trials on each size

## 2 - Import national data ====================================================
## Load raster covariate data
# Read Spatial data covariates as rasters with terra
cov.dat <-  list.files(raster.path, pattern = "tif$",  recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
cov.dat <- terra::rast(cov.dat) # SpatRaster from terra
# Aggregate stack to simplify data rasters for calculations 
cov.dat <- aggregate(cov.dat, fact=agg.factor, fun="mean")
# Load shape of district
nghe <- sf::st_read(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/Nghe_An.shp")),quiet=TRUE)

# Crop covariates on administrative boundary
cov.dat <- crop(cov.dat, nghe, mask=TRUE)
# Store elevation and slope separately
elevation <- cov.dat$dtm_elevation_250m
slope <- cov.dat$dtm_slope_250m

# Load roads
roads <-  vect(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/roads.shp")))
roads <- crop(roads, nghe)

# Simplify raster information with PCA
pca <- raster_pca(cov.dat)

# Get SpatRaster layers
cov.dat <- pca$PCA

# Subset rasters to main PC (var. explained <=0.99)
n_comps <- first(which(pca$summaryPCA[3,]>0.99))
cov.dat <- pca$PCA[[1:n_comps]]
# Plot covariates

# 3 - Calculate the minimum sample size to describe the area ===================
# Start computations ----
# Initialize empty vectors to store results
number_of_samples <- c()
prop_explained <- c()
klo_samples <- c()
samples_storage <- list()

# Convert SpatRaster to dataframe
cov.dat.df <-

# Start evaluation with growing sample sizes
for (trial in seq(initial.n, final.n, by = by.n)) {
  for (iteration in 1:iters) {
    # Generate stratified clhs samples
    p.dat_I <-  sample_clhs(cov.dat,
                     nSamp = trial, iter = 10000,
                     progress = FALSE, simple = FALSE)
    # Get covariate values as dataframe and delete NAs, avoid geometry
    p.dat_I.df <- %>%
      dplyr::select(!(geometry)) %>%
    # Store samples as list
    samples_storage[[paste0("N", trial, "_", iteration)]] <- p.dat_I
    ## Comparison of population and sample distributions - Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence
    # Define quantiles of the study area (number of bins)
    nb <- 25
    # Quantile matrix of the covariate data
    q.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = (nb + 1), ncol = nlyr(cov.dat))
    j = 1
    for (i in 1:nlyr(cov.dat)) {
      ran1 <- minmax(cov.dat[[i]])[2] - minmax(cov.dat[[i]])[1]
      step1 <- ran1 / nb
      q.mat[, j] <-
            to = minmax(cov.dat[[i]])[2],
            by = step1)
      j <- j + 1
    # Hypercube of covariates in study area
    # Initialize the covariate matrix
    cov.mat <- matrix(1, nrow = nb, ncol = ncol(q.mat)) <- as.matrix(cov.dat.df)
    for (i in 1:nrow( {
      for (j in 1:ncol( {
        dd <-[[i, j]]
        if (! {
          for (k in 1:nb) {
            kl <- q.mat[k, j]
            ku <- q.mat[k + 1, j]
            if (dd >= kl && dd <= ku) {
              cov.mat[k, j] <- cov.mat[k, j] + 1
    # Compare whole study area covariate space with the selected sample
    # Sample data hypercube (the same as for the raster data but on the sample data)
    h.mat <- matrix(1, nrow = nb, ncol = ncol(q.mat))
    for (i in 1:nrow(p.dat_I.df)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(p.dat_I.df)) {
        dd <- p.dat_I.df[i, j]
        if (! {
          for (k in 1:nb) {
            kl <- q.mat[k, j]
            ku <- q.mat[k + 1, j]
            if (dd >= kl && dd <= ku) {
              h.mat[k, j] <- h.mat[k, j] + 1
    ## Compute Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence
    kl.index <- c()
    for (i in 1:ncol(cov.dat.df)) {
      kl <-    KL.empirical(c(cov.mat[, i]), c(h.mat[, i]))
      kl.index <- c(kl.index, kl)
      klo <-  mean(kl.index)
    ## Calculate the proportion of "env. variables" in the covariate spectra that fall within the convex hull of variables in the "environmental sample space"
    # Principal component of the data sample
    pca.s = prcomp(p.dat_I.df, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
    scores_pca1 =$x)
    # Plot the first 2 principal components and convex hull <-
      tri.mesh(scores_pca1[, 1], scores_pca1[, 2], "remove") # Delaunay triangulation <- convex.hull(, = F) # convex hull
    pr_poly <-
      cbind(x = c($x), y = c($y)) # save the convex hull vertices
    # PCA projection of study area population onto the principal components
    PCA_projection <-
      predict(pca.s, cov.dat.df) # Project study area population onto sample PC
    newScores = cbind(x = PCA_projection[, 1], y = PCA_projection[, 2]) # PC scores of projected population
    # Check which points fall within the polygon
    pip <-[, 2], newScores[, 1], pr_poly[, 2], pr_poly[, 1], mode.checked =
    newScores <- data.frame(cbind(newScores, pip))
    klo_samples <- c(klo_samples, klo)
    prop_explained <-
      c(prop_explained, sum(newScores$pip) / nrow(newScores) * 100)
    number_of_samples <- c(number_of_samples, trial)
        "N samples = ",
        " out of ",
        "; iteration = ",
        "; KL = ",
        "; Proportion = ",
        sum(newScores$pip) / nrow(newScores) * 100

# 4 - Plot covariate diversity as PCA scores ===================================
     xlab = "PCA 1",
     ylab = "PCA 2",
     xlim = c(min(newScores[,1:2], na.rm = T), max(newScores[,1:2], na.rm = T)),
     ylim = c(min(newScores[,1:2], na.rm = T), max(newScores[,1:2], na.rm = T)),
     col = 'black',
     main = 'Environmental space plots on convex hull of soil samples')

polygon(pr_poly, col = '#99999990')
# # Plot points outside convex hull
points(newScores[which(newScores$pip == 0), 1:2],
       col = 'red',
       pch = 12,
       cex = 1)

# 5 - KL divergence and % coincidence for growing N samples =============
# Merge data from number of samples, KL divergence and % coincidence
results <- data.frame(number_of_samples, klo_samples, prop_explained)
names(results) <- c("N", "KL", "Perc")

# Calculate mean results by N size
mean_result <- results %>%
  group_by(N) %>%

## Plot dispersion on KL and % by N

par(mar = c(5, 4, 5, 5))
  Perc ~ N,
  data = results,
  col = rgb(1, 0.1, 0, alpha = 0.5),
  ylab = "% coincidence"
mtext("KL divergence", side = 4, line = 3)
# Add new plot
par(new = TRUE, mar = c(5, 4, 5, 5))
# Box plot
  KL ~ N,
  data = results,
  axes = FALSE,
  outline = FALSE,
  col = rgb(0, 0.8, 1, alpha = 0.5),
  ylab = ""
  at = seq(0.02, 0.36, by = .06),
  label = seq(0.02, 0.36, by = .06),
  las = 3
# Draw legend
legend("top", inset=c(1,-.15) ,c("% coincidence", "KL divergence"), horiz=T,cex=.9,
       box.lty=0,fill = c(rgb(1, 0.1, 0, alpha = 0.5), rgb(0, 0.8, 1, alpha = 0.5)))

# 6 - Model KL divergence ======================================================
# Create an exponential decay function of the KL divergence
x <- mean_result$N
y = (mean_result$KL - min(mean_result$KL)) / (max(mean_result$KL) - min(mean_result$KL)) #KL

# Parametrize Exponential decay function
start <-  list()     # Initialize an empty list for the starting values

#fit function
k = 2
b0 = 0.01
b1 = 0.01

fit1 <-
    y ~ k * exp(-b1 * x) + b0,
    start = list(k = k, b0 = b0, b1 = b1),
    control = list(maxiter = 500),
    trace = T

# Plot fit
xx <- seq(1, final.n, 1)
plot(x, y)
lines(xx, predict(fit1, list(x = xx)))
# Predict with vfit function
jj <- predict(fit1, list(x = xx))
normalized = 1 - (jj - min(jj)) / (max(jj) - min(jj))

# 7 - Determine the minimum sample size to account for 95% of cumulative probability of the covariate diversity ====
minimum_n <- length(which(normalized < 0.95)) + 1

# Plot cdf and minimum sampling point
x <- xx
y <- normalized

mydata <- data.frame(x, y)
opti <- mydata[mydata$x == minimum_n, ]

  x = ~ x,
  y = ~ normalized,
  mode = "lines+markers",
  type = "scatter",
  name = "CDF (1–KL divergence)"
) %>%
    x = ~ x,
    y = ~ jj,
    mode = "lines+markers",
    type = "scatter",
    yaxis = "y2",
    name = "KL divergence"
  )  %>%
    x = ~ opti$x,
    y = ~ opti$y,
    yaxis = "y",
    mode = "markers",
    name = "Minimum N",
    marker = list(
      size = 8,
      color = '#d62728',
      line = list(color = 'black', width = 1)
  ) %>%
    xaxis = list(
      title = "N",
      showgrid = T,
      dtick = 50,
      tickfont = list(size = 11)
    yaxis = list(title = "1–KL divergence (% CDF)", showgrid = F),
    yaxis2 = list(
      title = "KL divergence",
      overlaying = "y",
      side = "right"
    legend = list(
      orientation = "h",
      y = 1.2,
      x = 0.1,
      traceorder = "normal"
    margin = list(
      t = 50,
      b = 50,
      r = 100,
      l = 80
    hovermode = 'x'
  )  %>%
  config(displayModeBar = FALSE)

# 8 - Determine the optimal iteration according to the minimum N size ==========
optimal_iteration <- results[which(abs(results$N - minimum_n) == min(abs(results$N - minimum_n))), ] %>%
  mutate(IDX = 1:n()) %>%
  filter(Perc == max(Perc))

# 9 - Plot minimum points from best iteration ==================================
N_final <- samples_storage[paste0("N", optimal_iteration$N, "_", optimal_iteration$IDX)][[1]]

## 10 - Calculate COOBS (sgsR) =================================================
#' COOBS (count of observations) is an algorithm to map relatively
#' adequate and under-sampled areas on a sampling pattern.
#' COOBS algorithms allow one to understand which areas in a spatial domain are adequately and under-sampled. 
#' COOBS ca be used to design an additional survey by limiting the cLHS algorithm to areas where the COOBS
#' value is below some specified threshold. 
coobs <- calculate_coobs(
  mraster = cov.dat,
  existing = N_final,
  plot = TRUE,
  cores = 4,
  filename = paste0(results.path,"/coobs_SampleSize.tif"),
  overwrite = TRUE
# Plot COOBS
plot(coobs[[2]], main="Number of samples in similar environment")
plot(nghe[1], col="transparent", add=TRUE)

## 11 - Calculate minimum and and optimal sample size with opendsm =============

#install.packages('~/Downloads/DescTools_0.99.45.tar', repos=NULL, type='source')

#' Source scripts from
#' Determine minimum sample size for the clhs algorithm
#' This script is based on the publication:
#' Determining minimum sample size for the conditioned Latin hypercube sampling algorithm
#' DOI:
#' Optimal sample size based on the publication:
#' Divergence metrics for determining optimal training sample size in digital soil mapping
#' DOI:   
#' Perform Sequential Variable Inflation Factor Analysis
#' Function to calculate the KL-divergence
#' score between two probability distributions, P and Q.
#' Function to calculate the Jensen-Shannon Distance
#' score between two probability distributions, P and Q.
#' Function to calculate the Jensen-Shannon-divergence
#' score between two probability distributions, P and Q.

# Convert raster covariates to dataframe
cov.dat.df <- data.frame(cov.dat)
# Calculate minimum sample size
min_N <-clhs_min(cov.dat.df)
# Calculate optimal sample size ising normalized KL-div, JS-div and JS distance
opt_N <- opt_sample(alg="clhs",s_min=150,s_max=500, s_step=50, s_reps=4, covs = cov.dat.df,clhs_iter=100, cpus=NULL, conf=0.95)

## END

Script 5: Stratified sampling on vector and raster data

This script uses soil and landcover classes to define polygon ‘strata’ for an area weighted stratified sampling design.

# Digital Soil Mapping
# Soil Sampling Design
# Stratified Sampling on 'soil-landcover' strata
# Contact:

  # Empty environment and cache 
    rm(list = ls())

# Content of this script =======================================================
# The goal of this script is to perform random and regular stratified
# soil sampling designs using soil/landcover classes as 'strata'
# The distribution of samples on the strata is based on a
# weighted area distribution with the requirement of at least 2 sampling points
# by strata. Small polygons (< 100 has) are eliminated from calculations.
# Only 'strata' classes prone to be samples are included in the analyses.
# The final sample data includes 'target' points - i.e. primary sampling points,
# and 'replacement' points - i.e. points to be used as replacements in case
# that the corresponding 'target' point cannot be sampled for any reason.
# 0 - Set working directory and load packages
# 1 - User-defined variables 
# 2 - Import data 
# 3 - Delineate soil strata
# 4 - Delineate land-use strata 
# 5 - Create sampling strata
# 6 - Accommodate strata to requirements
# 7 - Stratified random sampling
# 8 - Calculate replacement areas for points
# 9 - Stratified regular sampling
# 10 - Random Sampling based on a stratified raster

## 0 - Set working directory and load packages =================================

  # Load packages as a vector objects
    packages <- c("sf", "terra", "tidyverse", "rmapshaper",
                  "units","plyr", "mapview", "leaflet", "stars","sgsR")
    lapply(packages, require, character.only = TRUE) # Load packages
    rm(packages) # Remove object to save memory space 
  # Set working directory to source file location
    setwd("../") # Move wd down to main folder

## 1 - User-defined variables ==================================================
    # Path to rasters
    raster.path <- "data/rasters"
    # Path to shapes
    shp.path <- "data/shapes"
    # Path to results
    results.path <- "data/results/"
    # Path to additional data
    other.path <- "data/other/"
    # Set number of samples
    n <- 250

## 2 - Import data =============================================================
    # Load shape of district
    nghe <- sf::st_read(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/Nghe_An.shp")),quiet=TRUE)
    # Load soil data
    soil <- st_read(paste0(shp.path,"/soils.shp"),promote_to_multi = FALSE)  
    # Load Landcover data
    lc <- st_read(paste0(shp.path,"/landcover.shp"))
  # Define a bounding area (optional).
  # If BOUNDING = TRUE, then a bounding–area shapefile (bb) must be specified
  # and the line in the code below must be uncommented
    #bb <- st_read(paste0(shp.path,"/your_bounding_area.shp"))
  # Compute replacement areas (optional).
    distance.buffer = 500

## 3 - Delineate soil strata ===================================================

    # Clip soil data  by bounding area if defined
    if (BOUNDING) {
      soil <- st_intersection(soil, bb)
    } else {
      soil <- soil
    # Check geometry
    soil <- st_make_valid(soil)
    soil <- st_cast(soil, "MULTIPOLYGON")
    #Aggregate information by reference soil group (SRG)
    # Remove NAs (water bodies are deleted)
    soil <- soil[!$RSG),]
    # Dissolve polygons by reference soil group
    soil <- soil %>% group_by(RSG) %>% dplyr::summarize() 
  # Write soil strata to disk
    st_write(soil, paste0(results.path,"soil_classes.shp"), delete_dsn = TRUE)
    ## Plot aggregated soil classes
    map = leaflet(leafletOptions(minZoom = 8)) %>%
    mv <- mapview(soil["RSG"], alpha=0, homebutton=T, = "soils", map=map)
    #ggplot() + geom_sf(data=soil, aes(fill = factor(RSG)))
## 4 - Delineate land-use strata ===============================================
    # Clip landcover data  by bounding area if exist
    if (BOUNDING) {
      lc <- st_intersection(lc, bb)
    } else {
      lc <- lc
    # Check geometry
    lc <- st_make_valid(lc)
    # Agregate units
    lc$landcover[lc$landcover=="Broadleaf forest"]<- "Forest"
    lc$landcover[lc$landcover=="Needleleaf forest"]<- "Forest"
    lc$landcover[lc$landcover=="Mixed forest"]<- "Forest"
    lc <- lc[lc$landcover!="Water body",]
    # Dissolve polygons by reference soil group
    lc <- lc %>% group_by(landcover) %>% dplyr::summarize() 
    # Write landcover strata as shapefile
    st_write(lc, paste0(results.path,"lc_classes.shp"), delete_dsn = TRUE)
    # Plot map with the land cover information
    map = leaflet() %>%
    mv <- mapview(lc["landcover"], alpha=0, homebutton=T, = "Landcover", map=map)
    #ggplot() + geom_sf(data=lc, aes(fill = factor(landcover)))

## 5 - Create sampling strata ==================================================
      # Combine soil and landcover layers
      sf_use_s2(FALSE) # use in case st_intersection cannot be run
      soil_lc <- st_intersection(st_make_valid(soil), st_make_valid(lc))  
      soil_lc$soil_lc <- paste0(soil_lc$RSG, "_", soil_lc$landcover)
      soil_lc <- soil_lc %>% dplyr::select(soil_lc, geometry)

## 6 - Accommodate strata to requirements ======================================

      # Select by Area. Convert to area to ha and select polygons with more than 100 has
      soil_lc$area <- st_area(soil_lc)/10000 
      soil_lc$area <- as.vector(soil_lc$area)
      soil_lc <- soil_lc %>% 
        group_by(soil_lc) %>% 
        mutate(area = sum(area))
      soil_lc <- soil_lc[soil_lc$area > 100,]
      # Replace blank spaces with underscore symbol to keep names uniform
      soil_lc$soil_lc <- str_replace_all(soil_lc$soil_lc, " ", "_")
      # Create a column of strata numeric codes
      soil_lc$code <- as.character(as.numeric(as.factor(soil_lc$soil_lc)))
      # List final strata
      # Write final sampling strata map
      st_write(soil_lc, paste0(results.path,"strata.shp"), delete_dsn = TRUE)
    # Plot strata 
      # Plot final map of stratum
      map = leaflet(options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 8.3)) %>%
      mv <- mapview(soil_lc["soil_lc"], alpha=0, homebutton=T, = "Strata", map=map)

## 7 - Stratified random sampling ==============================================

  # Read already created strata shapefile
    polygons <- st_read(paste0(results.path,"strata.shp"))
      polygons = st_intersection(polygons,bb)
  # Calculate the area of each polygon  
    polygons$area <- st_area(polygons) 
  # Create a new column to group polygons by a common attribute
    polygons$group <- polygons$soil_lc
  # Drop units to allow computations
    polygons <- drop_units(polygons)
  # Calculate the total area of all polygons in each group
    group_areas <- polygons %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group)  %>% 
      dplyr::summarize(total_area = sum(area))
  # Add a code to each group
    group_codes <- polygons %>% group_by(group) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(code = first(code)) 
  # Join polygon strata and codes   
    group_areas <- left_join(group_areas,st_drop_geometry(group_codes), by = "group")
  # Ensure minimum of 2 samples at each polygon in each group
    group_areas$sample_count <- 2
  # Calculate the number of samples per group based on relative area
    group_areas$sample_count <- 
      group_areas$sample_count + 
      round(group_areas$total_area/sum(group_areas$total_area) *
  # Adjust sample size on classes
    while (sum(group_areas$sample_count) != n) {
      if (sum(group_areas$sample_count) > n) {
      # Reduce sample count for the largest polygon until total count is n
        max_index <- which.max(group_areas$sample_count)
        group_areas$sample_count[max_index] <- group_areas$sample_count[max_index] - 1
      } else {
      # Increase sample count for the smallest polygon until total count is n
        min_index <- which.min(group_areas$sample_count)
        group_areas$sample_count[min_index] <- group_areas$sample_count[min_index] + 1
  # Count the total samples. It must be equal to the sampling size
    polygons <- left_join(polygons, st_drop_geometry(group_areas),
                          by = c("soil_lc"="group"))
    polygons <- dplyr::select(polygons, soil_lc, code.x, sample_count, geometry)
  # Generate random points within each strata of size 3 times
  #the required samples for each strata
    x <- spatSample(x = vect(group_areas),
                    size = group_areas$sample_count * 3, method = "random")
  # Compute sampling points for strata
    z <- x %>% 
      st_as_sf() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(code) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(sample_count = as.numeric(sample_count),
                    order = seq_along(code),
                    ID = paste0(code, ".", order),
                    type = ifelse(sample_count >= order, "Target", "Replacement")) %>% 
  # Find classes with missing samples <- left_join(group_areas,data.frame(z) %>%
                                dplyr::filter(type=="Target") %>%
                                dplyr::group_by(code) %>%
                                tally()) %>%
  # Determine missing sampled strata
    missing.strata <- which($diff))
  # Determine missing sampling point in strata (undersampled strata)
    missing.sample = which($diff != 0)
    missing.number <- as.numeric(unlist(st_drop_geometry([(missing.sample <- which($diff != 0)),7])))
  # Compute sampling points for missing sampled strata
    x.missing.strata <- x[1]
    x.missing.strata$sample_count<- 0
    for(i in missing.strata){
      xx.missing.strata <- x[1]
      xx.missing.strata$sample_count<- 0
      while (sum(xx.missing.strata$sample_count) < 
             group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*5) {
        while(nn < group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*3){
          my.missing.strata <- spatSample(x = vect(group_areas[group_areas$code %in% i,]),
                                          size =  group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*5,
                                          method = "random")
          nn <- nn + nrow(data.frame(my.missing.strata))
        xx.missing.strata <- rbind(xx.missing.strata,my.missing.strata)
      x.missing.strata <- rbind(x.missing.strata,xx.missing.strata)
  # Join initial sampling with missing sampling strata data
    x <- rbind(x, x.missing.strata)
  # Compute sampling points for missing samples (random sampling)
    x.missing.sample <- x[1]
    for(i in missing.sample){
      xx.missing.sample <- x[1]
      xx.missing.sample$sample_count<- 0
      while (sum(xx.missing.sample$sample_count) < (group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*3)) {
        my.missing.sample <- spatSample(x = vect(group_areas[group_areas$code %in% i,]),
                                        size = as.numeric(vect(group_areas[group_areas$code %in% i,])[[4]])+
                                          (group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*3), method = "random")
        xx.missing.sample <- rbind(xx.missing.sample,my.missing.sample)
      x.missing.sample <- rbind(x.missing.sample,xx.missing.sample)
  # Join initial sampling with missing sampling strata data and with missing samples 
    x <- rbind(x, x.missing.sample)
  # Remove extra artificial replacements 
    x <- x[x$sample_count > 0,]
  # Convert and export to shapefile
    z <- x %>% 
      st_as_sf() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(code) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(sample_count = as.numeric(sample_count),
                    order = seq_along(code),
                    ID = paste0(code, ".", order),
                    type = ifelse(sample_count >= order, "Target", "Replacement")) %>% 
                filename = paste0(results.path,"strat_randm_samples.shp"), overwrite=TRUE)

  # Check if the number of initial target points equals the final target points 
  # Plot points over strata 
    map = leaflet(options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 11.4)) %>%
    mv <- mapview(soil_lc["soil_lc"], alpha=0, homebutton=T, = "Strata") + 
      mapview(sf::st_as_sf(z), zcol = 'type', color = "white", col.regions = c('royalblue', 'tomato'), cex=3, legend = TRUE, = "Samples")
## 8 - Calculate replacement areas for points ==================================    
      # Load strata
      soil_lc <- st_read(paste0(results.path,"strata.shp"))
      # Read sampling. points from previous step
      z <- st_read(paste0(results.path,"strat_randm_samples.shp"))
      z <- z[z$type=="Target",]

      # Apply buffer of 500 meters
      buf.samples <- st_buffer(z, dist=distance.buffer)
      # Intersect buffers
      samples_buffer = st_intersection(soil_lc, buf.samples)
      samples_buffer <- samples_buffer[samples_buffer$type=="Target",]
      samples_buffer <- samples_buffer[samples_buffer$soil_lc==samples_buffer$group,]
      # Save Sampling areas
      st_write(samples_buffer, paste0(results.path,"replacement_areas.shp"),
                                      delete_dsn = TRUE)
      # Write target points only
      targets <- z[z$type=="Target",]
      st_write(targets, paste0(results.path,"target_points.shp"), delete_dsn = TRUE)

## 9 - Stratified regular sampling =============================================    
    # Read strata shapefile
    polygons <- st_read(paste0(results.path,"strata.shp"))
    # Calculate the area of each polygon
    polygons$area <- st_area(polygons) 
    # Create a new column to group polygons by a common attribute
    polygons$group <- polygons$soil_lc
    # Drop units to allow computations
    polygons <- drop_units(polygons)
    # Calculate the total area of all polygons in each group
    group_areas <- polygons %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group)  %>% 
      dplyr::summarize(total_area = sum(area))
    # Add a code to each group
    group_codes <- polygons %>% group_by(group) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(code = first(code)) 
    group_areas <- left_join(group_areas,st_drop_geometry(group_codes), by = "group")
    # Ensure minimum of 2 samples at each polygon in each group
    group_areas$sample_count <- 2
    # Calculate the number of samples per group based on relative area
    group_areas$sample_count <- group_areas$sample_count+round(group_areas$total_area/sum(group_areas$total_area) * 
    while (sum(group_areas$sample_count) != n) {
      if (sum(group_areas$sample_count) > n) {
        # Reduce sample count for the largest polygon until total count is n
        max_index <- which.max(group_areas$sample_count)
        group_areas$sample_count[max_index] <- group_areas$sample_count[max_index] - 1
      } else {
        # Increase sample count for the smallest polygon until total count is n
        min_index <- which.min(group_areas$sample_count)
        group_areas$sample_count[min_index] <- group_areas$sample_count[min_index] + 1
    polygons <- left_join(polygons, st_drop_geometry(group_areas), by = c("soil_lc"="group"))
    polygons <- dplyr::select(polygons, soil_lc, code.x, sample_count, geometry)
    # Generate regular points within each strata of size 3 times the required samples for each strata ----
    x <- spatSample(x = vect(group_areas), size = group_areas$sample_count * 3, method = "regular")
    # Compute sampling points for strata
    z <- x %>% 
      st_as_sf() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(code) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(sample_count = as.numeric(sample_count),
                    order = seq_along(code),
                    ID = paste0(code, ".", order),
                    type = ifelse(sample_count >= order, "Target", "Replacement")) %>% 
    # Find missing samples <- left_join(group_areas,data.frame(z) %>%
                                dplyr::filter(type=="Target") %>%
                                dplyr::group_by(code) %>%
                                tally()) %>%
    # Determine missing sampled strata
    missing.strata <- which($diff))
    # Determine missing sampling point in strata (undersampled strata)
    missing.sample = which($diff != 0)
    missing.number <- as.numeric(unlist(st_drop_geometry([(missing.sample <- which($diff != 0)),7])))
    # Compute sampling points for missing sampled strata
    x.missing.strata <- x[1]
    x.missing.strata$sample_count<- 0
    for(i in missing.strata){
      xx.missing.strata <- x[1]
      xx.missing.strata$sample_count<- 0
      while (sum(xx.missing.strata$sample_count) < 
             group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*5) {
        while(nn < group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*3){
          my.missing.strata <- spatSample(x = vect(group_areas[group_areas$code %in% i,]),
                                          size =  group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*5,
                                          method = "random")
          nn <- nn + nrow(data.frame(my.missing.strata))
        xx.missing.strata <- rbind(xx.missing.strata,my.missing.strata)
      x.missing.strata <- rbind(x.missing.strata,xx.missing.strata)
    # Join initial sampling with missing sampling strata data
    x <- rbind(x, x.missing.strata)
    # Compute sampling points for missing samples (regular sampling)
    x.missing.sample <- x[1]
    for(i in missing.sample){
      xx.missing.sample <- x[1]
      xx.missing.sample$sample_count<- 0
      while (sum(xx.missing.sample$sample_count) < (group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*3)) {
        my.missing.sample <- spatSample(x = vect(group_areas[group_areas$code %in% i,]),
                                        size = as.numeric(vect(group_areas[group_areas$code %in% i,])[[4]])+
                                          (group_areas[group_areas$code==i,][["sample_count"]]*3), method = "regular")
        xx.missing.sample <- rbind(xx.missing.sample,my.missing.sample)
      x.missing.sample <- rbind(x.missing.sample,xx.missing.sample)
    # Join initial sampling with missing sampling strata data and with missing samples 
    x <- rbind(x, x.missing.sample)
    # Remove extra artificial replacements 
    x <- x[x$sample_count > 0,]
    # Convert to Shapefile
    z <- x %>% 
      st_as_sf() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(code) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(sample_count = as.numeric(sample_count),
                    order = seq_along(code),
                    ID = paste0(code, ".", order),
                    type = ifelse(sample_count >= order, "Target", "Replacement")) %>% 
    # Export data to Shapefile ----
    # Write sampling points to shp
    writeVector(z, paste0(results.path,"regular_str_points.shp"), overwrite=TRUE)
    # Check if the number of initial target points equals the final target points 
    # Plot results
    map = leaflet(options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 11.4)) %>%
    mv <- mapview(soil_lc["soil_lc"], alpha=0, homebutton=T, = "Strata") + 
      mapview(sf::st_as_sf(z), zcol = 'type', color = "white", col.regions = c('royalblue', 'tomato'), cex=3, legend = TRUE, = "Samples")
# 10 - Random Sampling based on a stratified raster =============================
    strata <- st_read(paste0(results.path,"strata.shp"),quiet = TRUE)
    strata$code <- as.integer(strata$code)
    # Create stratification raster 
    strata <- rast(st_rasterize(strata["code"],st_as_stars(st_bbox(strata), nx = 250, ny = 250)))
    names(strata) <- "strata"
    strata <- crop(strata, nghe, mask=TRUE)
    # Create stratified random sampling
    # Target points
    target <- sample_strat(
      sraster = strata,
      nSamp = n
    target$type <- "target"

    # Replacement points
    replacement <- sample_strat(
      sraster = strata,
      nSamp = nrow(target)*3
    replacement$type <- "replacement"

    # Histogram of frequencies for targets
      sraster = strata,
      existing = target,
      plot = TRUE 
    # Histogram of frequencies for replacements
      sraster = strata,
      existing = replacement,
      plot = TRUE 
    # Add index by strata to targets
    target <- target %>% 
      st_as_sf() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(strata) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(order = seq_along(strata),
                    ID = paste0(strata, ".", order)) %>% 
    # Add index by strata to replacements
    replacement <- replacement %>% 
      st_as_sf() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(strata) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(order = seq_along(strata),
                    ID = paste0(strata, ".", order)) %>% 
    # Merge target and replacement points in a single object
    sampling.points <- rbind(target,replacement)
    # Plot samples over strata
    map = leaflet(options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 8.3)) %>%
    mv <- mapview(st_as_stars(strata),homebutton=T, = "Strata") + 
      mapview(sampling.points, zcol = 'type', color = "white", col.regions = c('royalblue', 'tomato'), cex=3, legend = TRUE, = "Samples")
    # Plot samples over strata
    # plot(strata, main="Strata and random samples")
    # plot(nghe[1], col="transparent", add=TRUE)
    # points(target,col="red")
    # points(replacement,col="dodgerblue")
    # legend("topleft", legend = c("target","replacement"), pch = 20, xpd=NA, bg="white", col=c("red","dodgerblue"))
    ## Export to shapefile
                paste0(results.path,"pts_raster.shp"), overwrite=TRUE)

Script 6: Conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling

# Digital Soil Mapping
# Soil Sampling Design
# conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling
# GSP-Secretariat
# Contact:


  # Empty environment and cache 
  rm(list = ls())

# Content of this script ========================================

# Script for creating a sampling design based on conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling.
# Given a suite of covariates this algorithm will assess the optimal location of
#  samples based on the amount of information in the set of covariates.
# 0 - Set working directory and load packages
# 1 - User-defined variables 
# 2 - Import national data 
# 3 - Compute clhs
# 4 - Identify under-sampled areas
# 5 - Including existing legacy data in a cLHS sampling design 
# 6 - Working with large raster data
# 7 - Cost–constrained cLHS sampling
# 8 - Replacement areas in cLHS design
# 9 - Polygonize replacement areas by similarity   
# 10 - Constrained cLHS sampling accounting for accessibility and legacy data  
# 11 - Plot sample density over covariates
# 12 - Calculate minimum and and optimal sample size with opendms

start_time <- Sys.time()

## 0 - Set working directory and load packages =================================
  # Set working directory to source file location
  setwd("../") # Move wd down to main folder
  # List of packages
  packages <- c("sp","terra","raster","sf","clhs", "sgsR","entropy", "tripack",
  # Load packages
  lapply(packages, require, character.only = TRUE)
  # Remove object to save memory space

## 1 - User-defined variables ==================================================
  # Path to rasters
  raster.path <- "data/rasters/"
  # Path to shapes
  shp.path <- "data/shapes/"
  # Path to results
  results.path <- "data/results/"
  # Path to additional data
  other.path <- "data/other/"
  # Buffer distance for replacement areas (clhs)
  D <- 1000 # Buffer distance to calculate replacement areas 
  # Define the minimum sample size. By default it uses the value calculated previously
  minimum_n <- 180
  # Aggregation factor for up-scaling raster covariates (optional)
  agg.factor = 5

## 2 - Import national data ====================================================

  # Read Spatial data covariates as rasters with terra
  cov.dat <-  list.files(raster.path, pattern = "tif$",  recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  cov.dat <- terra::rast(cov.dat) # SpatRaster from terra
  # Load shape of district
  nghe <- sf::st_read(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/Nghe_An.shp")),quiet=TRUE)

  # Crop covariates on administrative boundary
  cov.dat <- crop(cov.dat, nghe, mask=TRUE)
  # Store elevation and slope separately
  elevation <- cov.dat$dtm_elevation_250m
  slope <- cov.dat$dtm_slope_250m
  # Load roads
  roads <-  sf::st_read(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/roads.shp")),quiet=TRUE)
  roads <-  st_intersection(roads, nghe)

  # Simplify raster information with PCA
  pca <- raster_pca(cov.dat)
  # Get SpatRaster layers
  cov.dat <- pca$PCA
  # Subset rasters to main PC (var. explained <=0.99)
  n_comps <- first(which(pca$summaryPCA[3,]>0.99))
  cov.dat <- pca$PCA[[1:n_comps]]

  # Remove pca stack

  # Aggregate stack to simplify data rasters for calculations 
    # cov.dat <- aggregate(cov.dat, fact=10, fun="mean")
  # Plot of covariates

## 3 - Compute clhs ============================================================
  # Distribute sampling points with clhs
  pts <-  sample_clhs(cov.dat, nSamp = 100, iter = 10000, progress = FALSE, simple = FALSE)
  # Plot cLHS samples on map
  plot(cov.dat[[1]], main="cLHS samples")
  points(pts, col="red", pch = 1)
## 4 - Identify under-sampled areas ============================================
  #' Calculate COOBS (count of observations) is an algorithm to map relatively
  #' COOBS (count of observations) is an algorithm to map relatively
  #' adequate and under-sampled areas on a sampling pattern.
  #' COOBS algorithms allow one to understand which areas in a spatial domain are adequately and under-sampled. 
  #' COOBS ca be used to design an additional survey by limiting the cLHS algorithm to areas where the COOBS
  #' value is below some specified threshold. 
  coobs <- calculate_coobs(
    mraster = cov.dat,
    existing = pts,
    plot = TRUE,
    cores = 4,
    filename = paste0(results.path,"/coobs_clhs.tif"),
    overwrite = TRUE
## 5 - Including existing legacy data in a cLHS sampling design ================
  # Create an artificial random legacy dataset of 50 samples over the study area as an example <- sample_srs( raster = cov.dat, nSamp = 50)
  # Calculate clhs 100 points plus locations of legacy data
  res <-  sample_clhs(cov.dat, nSamp = 150,, iter = 10000, progress = FALSE)

  # Plot points
  plot(cov.dat[[1]], main="cLHS samples (blue circles) and legacy samples (red diamonds)")
  points(res, col="navy", pch = 1)
  points(res[res$type=="existing",], col="red", pch = 5, cex=2)
## 6 - Working with large raster data ==========================================
  # Scaling covariates
    # Aggregation of covariates by a factor of 10. 
    # The original grid resolution is up-scaled using the mean value of the pixels in the grid
    cov.dat2 <- aggregate(cov.dat, fact=10, fun="mean")
    # Create clhs samples upon the resamples rasters  
    resampled.clhs <- sample_clhs(cov.dat2, nSamp = 150, iter = 10000, progress = FALSE)
    # Plot the points over the 1st raster
    plot(cov.dat2[[1]], main="Regular resampled data")
    points(resampled.clhs , col="red", pch = 1)

  # Sampling to regular points
    # Create a regular grid of 1000 points on the covariate space
    regular.sample <- spatSample(cov.dat, size = 1000, xy=TRUE, method="regular", na.rm=TRUE)
    # plot the points over the 1st raster
    plot(cov.dat[[1]], main="Regular resampled data")
    points(regular.sample, col="red", pch = 1)
    # Create clhs samples upon the regular grid  
    regular.sample.clhs <- clhs(regular.sample, size = 100, progress = FALSE, iter = 10000, simple = FALSE)
    # Plot points of clhs samples
    points <- regular.sample.clhs$sampled_data # Get point coordinates of clhs sampling
    plot(cov.dat[[1]], main="cLHS samples (red) and covariate resampled points (blue)")
    points(regular.sample, col="navy", pch = 1)
    points(points, col="red", cex=1)
## 7 - Cost–constrained cLHS sampling
      # Use 'Distance to roads' as cost surface
      # Calculate distance to roads with te same spatial definition than the covariates
      # dist2access <- terra::distance(cov.dat[[1]], roads, progress=TRUE)
      # names(dist2access) <- "dist2access"
      # Save cost surface to disk
      # writeRaster(dist2access, paste0(other.path,"nghe_d2roads.tif"), overwrite=TRUE)
    # Load pre-calculated distance–to–roads surface
    dist2access <- terra::rast(paste0(other.path,"nghe_d2roads.tif"))
    # Aggregate to the same soatial definition
     # dist2access <- aggregate(dist2access, fact=10, fun="mean")
    plot(nghe, col="transparent", add=TRUE)
    # Add cost surface (distance to roads) as layer
    cov.dat <- c(cov.dat,dist2access)
    # Harmonize NAs
    cov.dat$dist2access <- cov.dat$dist2access * cov.dat[[1]]/cov.dat[[1]]
    plot(nghe, col="transparent",add=TRUE)
    # Compute sampling points
    cost.clhs <- sample_clhs(cov.dat, nSamp = minimum_n, iter = 10000, progress = FALSE, cost = 'dist2access',  use.cpp = TRUE)

    # Plot samples
    plot(cov.dat[['dist2access']], main="cLHS samples with 'cost' constraints")
    plot(cost.clhs, col="red", cex=1,add=T)

## 8 - Replacement areas in cLHS design (requires raster package)
    # Determine the similarity to points in a buffer of distance 'D'
    # Compute the buffers around points # cov25??
    gw <- similarity_buffer(raster::stack(cov.dat) ,  as(cost.clhs, "Spatial"), buffer = D)

    # Plot results
    plot(elevation, legend=TRUE,main=paste("Similarity probability over elevation"))
    ## Overlay points
    points(cost.clhs, col = "dodgerblue", pch = 3)
    ## Overlay probability stack for point 1
    colors <- c((RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd")))
    terra::plot(gw[[1]], add=TRUE ,  legend=FALSE, col=colors)
    ## Overlay 1st cLHS point
    points(cost.clhs[1,], col = "red", pch = 12,cex=1)
# 9 - Polygonize replacement areas by similarity    

    # Determine a threshold break to delineate replacement areas
    similarity_threshold <- 0.90
    # Reclassify buffer raster data according to the threshold break of probability
    # 1 = similarity >= similarity_break; NA =  similarity <  similarity_break
    # Define a vector with the break intervals and the output values (NA,1) 
    breaks <- c(0, similarity_threshold, NA, similarity_threshold, 1, 1)
    # Convert to a matrix
    breaks <- matrix(breaks, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    # Reclassify the data in the layers from probabilities to (NA,)
    s = stack(lapply(1:raster::nlayers(gw), function(i){raster::reclassify(gw[[i]], breaks, right=FALSE)}))
    # Polygonize replacement areas 
    s = lapply(as.list(s), rasterToPolygons, dissolve=TRUE)
    s <- bind(s,keepnames=TRUE)
    # Add the identifier of the corresponding target point
    for(i in 1: length(s)){
      s@data$ID[i] <- as.integer(stringr::str_replace(s@polygons[[i]]@ID,"1.",""))
    # Clean the data by storing target ID data only
    s@data <- s@data["ID"]
    # Plot results
    plot(cov.dat[[1]], main=paste("cLHS samples and replacement areas for threshold = ", similarity_threshold))
    plot(s,add=TRUE, col=NA, border="gray40")
    points(cost.clhs, col="red", pch = 3)
    # Export replacement areas to shapefile 
    s <- st_as_sf(s)
    st_write(s, file.path(paste0(results.path,'replacement_areas_', D, '.shp')), delete_dsn = TRUE)
    # Write cLHS sampling points to shapefile
    cost.clhs$ID <- row(cost.clhs)[,1] # Add identifier
    out.pts <- st_as_sf(cost.clhs)
    st_write(out.pts, paste0(results.path,'target_clhs.shp'), delete_dsn = TRUE)

## 10 - Constrained cLHS sampling taking into account accessibility and legacy data  
    # Load legacy data 
    legacy <- sf::st_read(file.path(paste0(shp.path,"/legacy_soils.shp")),quiet=TRUE)
    # Add slope to the stack
    cov.dat$slope <- slope
    # Calculate clhs points with legacy, cost and buffer to roads
    # Convert roads to sf object and cast to multilinestring
    roads <- st_as_sf(roads) %>%
    # Calculate clhs samples using slope as cost surface, distance to roads as
    # access limitations, and including existing legacy data
    aa <- sgsR::sample_clhs(mraster = cov.dat, nSamp = minimum_n, existing = legacy,
                            iter = 10000, details = TRUE, cost="slope", access=roads,
                            buff_inner=buff_inner, buff_outer=buff_outer)
    ## Plot distances, roads, clhs points and legacy data 
    plot(cov.dat$dist2access, main="New (red) and existing (blue) samples")
    plot(roads,add=TRUE, col="gray60")
    plot(aa$samples[aa$samples$type=="new",], col= "tomato",add=TRUE)
    plot(aa$samples[aa$samples$type=="existing",], col= "dodgerblue2",add=TRUE)
    # Write samples as shapefile
    aa$samples[c("type","dist2access")] %>%
      st_write(paste0(results.path,'const_clhs.shp'), delete_dsn = TRUE)

## 11 - Plot sample density over covariates ====================================
    # Distribution of elevation values on the sampling design vs. original elevation data
    s0 <- rbind(data.frame(method = "Elevation", data.frame(elevation)))
    s1 <- extract(elevation,pts)
    s1$method <-"cLHS"
    # Plot the covariate elevation values as histogram bars and the sampling distribution as curve
    dens_elev <- ggplot() +
      geom_histogram(data=s0, aes(x=dtm_elevation_250m,fill="red",y=after_stat(density)),binwidth=25, alpha=.5, position="identity") +
      geom_density(data = s1, aes(x = dtm_elevation_250m, col = method))
## 12 - Calculate minimum and and optimal sample size
    #' Source scripts from
    #' Determine minimum sample size for the clhs algorithm
    #' This script is based on the publication:
    #' Determining minimum sample size for the conditioned Latin hypercube sampling algorithm
    #' DOI:
    #' Optimal sample size based on the publication:
    #' Divergence metrics for determining optimal training sample size in digital soil mapping
    #' DOI:   
    #' Perform Sequential Variable Inflation Factor Analysis
    #' Function to calculate the KL-divergence
    #' score between two probability distributions, P and Q.
    #' Function to calculate the Jensen-Shannon Distance
    #' score between two probability distributions, P and Q.
    #' Function to calculate the Jensen-Shannon-divergence
    #' score between two probability distributions, P and Q.
    #install.packages('~/Downloads/DescTools_0.99.45.tar', repos=NULL, type='source')
    # Convert raster covariates to dataframe
    cov.dat.df <- data.frame(cov.dat[[1:n_comps]])
    # Calculate minimum sample size
    min_N <-clhs_min(cov.dat.df)
    min_n <- as.numeric(min_N$Sample_Size[1])
    # Calculate optimal sample size ising normalized KL-div, JS-div and JS distance
    opt_N <- opt_sample(alg="clhs",s_min = min_n, s_max = 500, s_step=50, s_reps=4, covs = cov.dat.df,clhs_iter=100, cpus=NULL, conf=0.95)