Annex IV: Quality assurance and quality control

The following protocol was devised to provide National Experts with a step-by-step guideline to perform a Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) of the 10 GSNmap first phase products.

The following protocol does not provide any guidance in terms of uncertainty estimation and validation. For more details and information on the estimation of uncertainties and potential map validation strategies please refer to Chapter 8.4.

Quality assurance and quality control consist of activities to ensure the quality of a particular result. Quality control is a reactive process that focuses on identifying defects and errors while quality assurance is a proactive approach aimed at preventing defects and errors. In the context of digital soil mapping, both processes are often interlinked. A QA is interlinked with a QC when it identifies defects and the QA remodels the process to eliminate the defects and prevent them from recurring (Chapman, 2005)(Figure10.2).

Quality assurance and quality control.

Figure 10.2: Quality assurance and quality control.

Each step in the following protocol should be considered in order to detect and eliminate errors, address data inaccuracies and assess the output completeness.

Step 1: Completeness of layers

The following Table (tab:products) gives an overview of all the GSNmap products in alphabetical order. Each product should include the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code as uppercase letters in its name. For instance, in the case of Turkiye, ISO_GSNmap_Ntot_Map030 should be changed to TUR_GSNmap_Ntot_Map030.

All 10 soil property and soil nutrient maps with their corresponding 10 uncertainty layers must be georeferenced TIF (.tif) files.

Table 10.1: Data product overview.
Product Filename
Major nutrients (3 files)
Total Nitrogen map ISO_GSNmap_Ntot_Map030.tiff
Available Phosphorus map ISO_GSNmap_Pav_Map030.tiff
Total Potassium map ISO_GSNmap_Ktot_Map030.tiff
Associated soil properties (7 files)
Cation exchange capacity map ISO_GSNmap_CEC_Map030.tiff
Soil pH map ISO_GSNmap_pH_Map030.tiff
Soil clay map ISO_GSNmap_Clay_Map030.tiff
Soil silt map ISO_GSNmap_Silt_Map030.tiff
Soil sand map ISO_GSNmap_Sand_Map030.tiff
Soil organic carbon map ISO_GSNmap_SOC_Map030.tiff
Soil bulk density map ISO_GSNmap_BD_Map030.tiff
Uncertainty maps (10 files)
Total Nitrogen uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_Ntot_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Available Phosphorus uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_Pav_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Total Potassium uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_Ktot_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Cation exchange capacity uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_CEC_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Soil pH uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_pH_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Soil clay uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_Clay_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Soil silt uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_Silt_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Soil sand uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_Sand_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Soil organic carbon uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_SOC_UncertaintyMap030.tiff
Soil bulk density uncertainty map ISO_GSNmap_BD_UncertaintyMap030.tiff

Step 2: Check the projection and resolution of all data products

Open the products in QGIS or any other preferred GIS platform. Check that the projection of all products is EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 (Layer properties). Check that the spatial resolution (pixel size) (Layer properties) is equal to ~0.002246 degrees ; 250 m x 250 m at the equator.

Step 3: Check the extent

Visualize the 20 products in QGIS or any preferred GIS platform. Load a land-use layer to visually assess that the simulations were done exclusively on croplands.

Step 4: Check the units, ranges, and outliers

In the following section possible value ranges for each product category (except available potassium) are presented. It is important to note that the provided ranges represent a gross approximation of the extremes within which the values should fall in. Results that fall outside these ranges need to be carefully evaluated based on local expertise and available literature.

The provided ranges can be compared in QGIS, R, or any preferred platform. Descriptive layer statistics can be viewed in QGIS under Layer Properties.

The following table (Table 10.2) presents ranges of possible values for 9 of the 10 mandatory GSNmap products. The ranges were calculated based on the distribution of the soil profile data within the World Soil Information Service (WoSIS), specifically the WoSIS snapshot 2019 (Batjes, N. H. et al. 2020). It is important to note that the data was not filtered for croplands and that the ranges were extracted from soil profiles sampled globally from a wide array of land covers and land uses.

Table 10.2: Possible soil property and soil nutrient values based on the distribution of the values within the World Soil Information Service (WoSIS), specifically the WoSIS snapshot 2019.
Soil property property_id Unit Min 1st Quartile Median 3st Quartile Max n
Total N n_0_30 ppm 0.0 400.0 700.0 1500.0 84000.0 216362
P Bray I p_0_30 ppm 0.0 1.6 5.0 16.0 150.0 40486
P Mehlich 3 p_0_30 ppm 0.0 1.6 6.1 22.0 149.4 7242
P Olsen p_0_30 ppm 0.0 0.7 2.0 4.3 141.0 8434
CEC cec_0_30 cmol(c)/kg 0.1 7.5 14.0 23.0 140.0 295688
pH (water) ph_0_30 / 1.5 5.2 6.2 7.5 12.3 613322
Clay clay_0_30 % 0.0 11.1 21.9 35.3 100.0 590368
Silt silt_0_30 % 0.0 15.0 30.0 47.6 100.0 558233
Sand sand_0_30 % 0.0 15.0 36.0 60.2 100.0 482334
Soil Organic Carbon soc_0_30 % 0.0 2.0 5.1 14.0 99.4 471301
Bulk density bd_0_30 g/cm3 0.0 1.3 1.4 1.7 2.6 116756
Available K k_0_30 ppm NA NA NA NA NA NA

QA/QC Script

The following script automates the for Steps described in the previous sections. It is important to note that the script’s main objective is to provide a fast alternative to check the output layers and that it does not replace the need to visually assess the final maps based on expert knowledge.

# Soil Property Mapping
# GSP-Secretariat
# Contact:

#Empty environment and cache 
rm(list = ls())

# Content of this script =======================================================
# 0 - Set working directory and packages
# 1 - Step 1: Completeness of layers 
# 2 - Step 2: Check the projection and resolution of all data products
# 3 - Step 3: Check the extent
# 4 - Step 4: Check the units, ranges, and outliers
# 5 - Export QA/QC report

# 0 - Set working directory, soil attribute, and packages ======================

# Working directory
wd <- 'C:/Users/hp/Documents/GitHub/GSNmap-TM/Digital-Soil-Mapping'
#wd <- 'C:/Users/luottoi/Documents/GitHub/GSNmap-TM/Digital-Soil-Mapping'

# Define country of interes throuhg 3-digit ISO code

#load packages

# Load reference values
dt <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/luottoi/Documents/GitHub/GSNmap-TM/tables/wosis_dist.xlsx")
dt <- dt[!(dt$`Soil property` %in%c( "P Bray I","P Olsen" )),]

# In case old naming system was used
dt$old_prop_ids <- c('Ntot', 'Pav', 'CEC','pH', 'Clay', 'Silt', 'Sand', 'SOC', 'BD', 'Kav')

## Set potential ranges for Available K in ppm

dt[dt$property_id=='k_0_30','Min'] <- 0
dt[dt$property_id=='k_0_30','Max'] <- 150
# 1 - Step 1: Completeness of layers -------------------------------------------

#Check number of layers

## Specify number of soil property maps generated (not including the uncertainty layers)

## Check if all layers were correctly generated (including uncertainty layers)
# and if the correct ISO code and soil property ids were included in the files names
files <- list.files(pattern= '.tif', full.names = T)
names <- list.files( pattern= '.tif', full.names = F)
names <- sub('.tif', '', names)

# Switch depending on the naming system (i.e. files have e.g. Pav instead of p_0_30)
#Step1 <-data.frame(property_id =dt$property_id)
Step1 <-data.frame(property_id =dt$old_prop_ids) #old naming system

Step1$Names <- 'Rename layer'
Step1$Uncertainty <- 'Missing'

for (i in unique(Step1$property_id)){
  t11 <- TRUE %in% grepl(paste0('SD_GSNmap_',i), files)|grepl(paste0('sd_',i), files)
  t12 <- TRUE %in% grepl(paste0(ISO,'_GSNmap_',i), files)|grepl(paste0('mean_',i), files)
  t13 <- TRUE %in% grepl(ISO, files)
  Step1[Step1$property_id ==i, 'Names'] <- ifelse(t12[[1]] ==T & t13[[1]] ==T, 'Correctly named', 'Rename layer')
  Step1[Step1$property_id ==i, 'Uncertainty'] <- ifelse(t11[[1]] ==T , 'Generated', 'Missing')

# 2 - Step 2: Check the projection and resolution of all data products ---------
r <- rast(files)
names(r) <- names
# Check projection (WGS 84)
(Step21=crs(r, describe=TRUE)$name =='WGS 84')

# Check resolution (250 m)
(Step22=round(res(r)[[1]], 5) == 0.00225)

# 3 - Step 3: Check the extent -------------------------------------------------
# Check if the layers were masked with a cropland mask

mask <- rast('mask/mask.tif')
mask <- project(mask, r[[1]])

t <- r[[1]]
t <- ifel(!,1, NA)

t3 <- sum(values(t, na.rm=T))-sum(values(mask, na.rm=T))

(Step3= t3 <=10)

# 4 - Step 4: Check the units, ranges, and outliers ----------------------------
Step4 <- data.frame(property_id=Step1$property_id)
#Step4 <- data.frame(property_id =dt$property_id)
Step4$in_range <- 'Values not in range'

for (i in unique(Step4$property_id)){
  t41 <-min(values(r[[grepl(paste0('mean_',i), names(r))|grepl(paste0(ISO,'_GSNmap_',i), names(r))]],na.rm=T)) >=dt[Step4$property_id == i, 'Min']
  t42 <-max(values(r[[grepl(paste0('mean_',i), names(r))|grepl(paste0(ISO,'_GSNmap_',i), names(r))]],na.rm=T)) <=dt[Step4$property_id == i, 'Max']
  Step4[Step4$property_id ==i, 'in_range'] <- ifelse(t41[[1]] ==T & t42[[1]] ==T, 'Values in range', 'Values not in range')

# 5 - Export QA/QC report ------------------------------------------------------
report <- merge(Step4, Step1, by=c('property_id'))

report$projection <- ifelse(Step21, 'WGS 84', 'Reproject layer')
report$resolution <- ifelse(Step21, '250 m', 'Resample layer')
report$extent <- ifelse(Step3, 'Croplands', 'Mask out layer')


write.csv(report, paste0('QA_QC_', ISO, '.csv'))